City Museum of Ljubljana



  • nekaj jih je
  • iz stalne postavitve kako fotko
  • šumi bar in hipiada
  • fotka notranjosti vhodna dvorana, arkade
  • notranjost, kjer je bilo izkopavanje bife.
  • kako staro grafiko Ljubljane recimo vischer ali pa vojvodina kranjska
  • palača je tudi na starem bakrorezu (ne vem kdo) iz 18 stol cela fasada levega brega ljubljanice.
  • Na strani so iz razstave obrazov Ljubljane zanimive fotke predmetov

Comments from Language Editor

  • please check facts, especially:
    • date of building Auersberg Palace
    • dates of renovation (one source shows 2000-2004 being the actual renovation, but most likely the process started way before, in order to make the appropriate designs in harmony with the actuality and archaeological findings of the space); just not sure if 1995 to 2003 is correct. maybe 1995 to 2004?
    • date of Novi trg? Wikipedia says it was present in the 13th century
  • develop section about venue -- or include venue information eventually (especially for conference room/projekcijska soba)
  • there's great data from Barbara Novaković's Fundus which states the number of items contained in the museum's repositories. When you read this, you get a much better feeling for what the museum does as a type of "keeper of the history" of the city. Maybe the article could eventually also expand a little bit more on the museum's attempt to enliven the contemporary pulse of the city by providing an integral and important link to its past.

--Jana Wilcoxen 13:47, 18 March 2010 (CET)