ARTerija Club



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ARTerija Club
Rimska cesta 30, Borovnica 1353
Phone386 (0) 31 713 683

ARTerija Club is a youth cultural centre, established in 1998 in Borovnica, a municipality in the south-western part of Ljubljana marshes. Its name derives from the game of words “art” and “artery”, since its mission is circulation and the supply of art. ARTerija Association organizes events at the ARTerija Club, the “most colourful cottage in Borovnica”, as they call it, where it takes care for a dynamic cultural throb, for the development of a youth culture and socializing of young people, as well as for intergenerational cultural cooperation. It hosts wide selection of activities, but mostly concerts of alternative rock genres. In the monotony of the countryside – the town of Borovnica itself counts 2.000 people – the Arterija Club tries to introduce a different, subcultural moment and thus relieve the monotonous daily routine. Its slogan is “Art and Entertainment in the town of Borovnica”.


The majority of events in the Arterija Club are rock concerts, mostly of specialized, alternative, subcultural genres, such as metal or reggae/ska music; therefore it hosted Slovenian bands such as Lady's First, Sausages, General Musashi, Same Babe, Lene Kosti, Marzla vada, Orkestrada, and many others.

There are also exhibitions, art installations, literary and sports events, travel lectures, often stand-up evenings or computer culture evenings.

Festivals venue

Events are often held in the framework of various cultural and art festivals, such as the Young Rhymes (“Mlade rime”), “the most rock and roll poetry evenings in the country”, run by Dejan Koban and Veronika Dintinjana, where young and emerging poets presented themselves. The club also hosted a part of the Festival Club Marathon of Ljubljana's Radio Študent, a festival that annually presented the new Slovenian production of alternative music, or Vrhnika’s theatre festival Cankarjada Festival.

See also

External links


... more about "ARTerija Club"
ARTerija Club +
45.915 +
ARTerija Club +
14.366 +
Borovnica 1353 +
Rimska cesta 30 +
ARTerija Club is a youth cultural centre, established in 1998 in Borovnica, a municipality in the south-western part of Ljubljana marshes. +
ARTerija Club is a youth cultural centre, established in 1998 in Borovnica, a municipality in the south-western part of Ljubljana marshes. +
+386 / 31 713 683 +
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