Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Novo mesto Regional Office

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Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Novo mesto
Grad Grm, Skalickega 1, SI-8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
Phone386 (0) 7 393 1540
Danilo Breščak, Head

Phone386 (0) 7 393 1546

The Novo mesto regional office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, grounded in 1981, is responsible for cultural heritage in Novo mesto region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, among them the Church in Novo mesto, Brežice Castle, the Partisan Baza 20 in Kočevski rog and the Ausperg Ironworks. Recent motorway building works have uncovered an archaeologically rich region, and archaeological excavations and research work is still under way at different sites. The office has its quarters, conservation and restoration workshop and depots in Grm castle.


Some temporary exhibitions are organised, in 2009 exhibition Zgodovinski parki in vrtovi ("Historic Parks and Gardens") accompanied by monography, in 2006 conservation and restoration exhibition Odkritje dveh rimskih miljnikov na gradbišču AC odseka Hrastje – Lešnica na Karteljevem and another one Metode dela in izvedeni posegi na izbranih kulturnih spomenikih in dediščini on methodological approach and interventions.


Beside current writings (conservation programs, conservation plans, guideline issues, reports) it publishes different monographic publications, mostly on archaeological excavations and research work such as in 2006 Rimske ceste in projekt avtocest (Roman Roads and Highways Project).

See also

Other regional offices

External links

Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Novo mesto +
Danilo Breščak +
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije (ZVKDS), Območna enota Novo mesto +
SI-8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia +
Head +
Grad Grm, Skalickega 1 +
[[Institute for the Protection of CulturalThe Novo mesto regional office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, grounded in 1981, is responsible for cultural heritage in Novo mesto region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, among them the Church in Novo mesto, Brežice Castle, the Partisan Baza 20 in Kočevski rog and the Ausperg Kočevski rog and the Ausperg Ironworks. +
The Novo mesto regional office of the InstThe Novo mesto regional office of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, grounded in 1981, is responsible for cultural heritage in Novo mesto region, with cultural monuments declared of high importance by the state, among them the Church in Novo mesto, Brežice Castle, the Partisan Baza 20 in Kočevski rog and the Ausperg Kočevski rog and the Ausperg Ironworks. +
+386 / 7 393 1540 +
Novo mesto, Slovenia +
SI-8000 +
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