Theatre festivals

Revision as of 12:11, 6 March 2014 by Jwilcoxen (talk | contribs) (added links to infographics)

Theatre is alive and well in Slovenia and with the wealth of Slovene theatre festivals, it is possible to attend at least one festival of dramatic and comedic theatre, puppetry or improv, with performances from Slovenia and abroad, nearly every week from March to October. Curiously, the Slovene theatre festivals have a strong focus on works from abroad; even those festivals mostly dedicated to Slovene productions or productions of Slovene drama texts have opened up various types of exchange with theatre producers and festivals from abroad and present these works on their programmes as well.

The list below represents the theatre festivals in Slovenia as well as multidisciplinary festivals in Slovenia that also present theatre performances. If you are an international producer or a theatre group to perform in Slovenia, click on any of the links below to find out more information about each festival and how you can get in touch with its organisers. The multidisciplinary festivals cover several regions of Slovenia as well as genres.

And for a visual overview of festivals taking place in Slovenia, be sure to have a look at our infographics of all of the Slovene festivals happening in 2012, 2013, and 2014.

And for a visual overview of festivals taking place in Slovenia, be sure to have a look at our infographics of all of the Slovene festivals taking place in 2012, 2013 and 2014.

Media in category "Theatre festivals"

The following 37 files are in this category, out of 37 total.