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The Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Slovenia provides consular, economical and cultural services. Consular affairs consist of providing information and assistance to Hungarian citizens residing in or visiting Slovenia, and visa services.
In 1992 an ''Agreement on Co-operation in the Fields of Culture, Education and Science'' was signed between Hungary and Slovenia. In 2006 the ministers of culture signed in Budapest an agreement regarding cooperation in education, science and culture for the 2006–2008 period, with some detailes about the exchange of exhibitions from the national galleries, the organisation of Days of Culture, intensive co-operation in the area of heritage protection and cross-border television, as well as several minority cultural projects. In March 2012, on the occasion of the presidents' meeting, the two minorities signed an agreement on cooperation in culture, education and joint European projects in the Hungarian border town of Szentgotthard-Monošter.
== Hungarian minority in Slovenia ==
In the eastern multiethnical part of Slovenia live the Hungarian National Community which has established numerous societies and other cultural and educational institutions practicing the Hungarian language. In the largest center in the [[Municipality of Lendava-Lendva]] a huge cultural centre was opened in 2004, run by the [[Lendava-Lendva Institute for Culture and Promotion (ZKPL-MPIL)]].
== See also ==
*[[Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Budapest]]
*[[Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Szentgotthárd]]
*[[Radio Slovenia Muravidéki Magyar Rádió (MMR)]]
== External links ==
== External links ==

Revision as of 14:27, 3 May 2012


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Veleposlaništvo Republike Madžarske
Ulica Konrada Babnika 5, SI-1210 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 512 1882
István Szent-Iványi, Ambassador

The Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Slovenia provides consular, economical and cultural services. Consular affairs consist of providing information and assistance to Hungarian citizens residing in or visiting Slovenia, and visa services.

In 1992 an Agreement on Co-operation in the Fields of Culture, Education and Science was signed between Hungary and Slovenia. In 2006 the ministers of culture signed in Budapest an agreement regarding cooperation in education, science and culture for the 2006–2008 period, with some detailes about the exchange of exhibitions from the national galleries, the organisation of Days of Culture, intensive co-operation in the area of heritage protection and cross-border television, as well as several minority cultural projects. In March 2012, on the occasion of the presidents' meeting, the two minorities signed an agreement on cooperation in culture, education and joint European projects in the Hungarian border town of Szentgotthard-Monošter.

Hungarian minority in Slovenia

In the eastern multiethnical part of Slovenia live the Hungarian National Community which has established numerous societies and other cultural and educational institutions practicing the Hungarian language. In the largest center in the Municipality of Lendava-Lendva a huge cultural centre was opened in 2004, run by the Lendava-Lendva Institute for Culture and Promotion (ZKPL-MPIL).

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo Republike Madžarske +
István Szent-Iványi +
Veleposlaništvo Republike Madžarske +
SI-1210 Ljubljana +
Ambassador +
Ulica Konrada Babnika 5 +
+386 / 1 512 1882 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1210 +
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