Studio Činč



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Studio Činč
Medenska cesta 73, SI-1210 Ljubljana Šentvid
Phone386 (0) 1 512 4844

Managed by musician Borut Činč of Buldožer, the recording Studio Činč developed into something of a legend during the 1980s.

At Studio Činč a variety of leading Slovene musicians have recorded their work, ranging from singer-songwriters Adi Smolar, Peter Lovšin, Tomaž Domicelj, Tomaž Pengov and Vlado Kreslin to the punk and rock bands O!Kult, Dan D, Buldožer, Industbag, Ofsajdersi, Sausages, Orlek and Zmelkoow.

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... more about "Studio Činč"
Studio Činč +
Studio Činč +
SI-1210 Ljubljana Šentvid +
Medenska cesta 73 +
Managed by musician Borut Činč of Buldožer, the recording Studio Činč developed into something of a legend during the 1980s. +
Managed by musician Borut Činč of Buldožer, the recording Studio Činč developed into something of a legend during the 1980s. +
+386 / 1 512 4844 +
Ljubljana Šentvid +
SI-1210 +
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