Šum Magazine

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Šum, revija za kritiko sodobne umetnosti

Published byDruštvo Boks
Tjaša Pogačar, Member of the editorial team
Past Events
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Šum Magazine is a biannual journal that se ukvarja with contemporary art, placing a special emphasis on producing theory and theory based criticism. It is also a platform for organizing seminars, discussions and lectures. All these activites revolve around the need to to develop a different discourse and way of thinking about art, with some of the topics revolvijng around the problems related to working conditions in contemporary art, the role of cultural actors of the younger generation, self-organization, autonomy and the relation of autonomous groups to their host (mostly public) institutions

It publishes articles which are the result of an authors professional inquiry or in-depth study research. Although ŠUM is (for now) focused on Slovenian speaking readers, it accepts articles written in English language as well. .

To establishing the necessary conditions for production of critical thought in contemporary art, ŠUM created a network of partner institutions (public and NGOs). The co-production network provides a financial source for continuous publication of the journal and also encourages mutual support/alliance between self-organized (that is, also, self-employed) cultural workers (artists and writers) and public institutions of contemporary art. Current institutions that financially back Šum include Moderna galerija and the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, The Municipal Gallery of Ljubljana, Art Gallery of Maribor, The International Center of Graphic Arts Ljubljana, ŠKUC Gallery, Art Gallery Slovenj Gradec and the Center for Contemporary Art Celje.

Goals, editorial team=

Namen publikacije ŠUM je vzpostaviti tiskano platformo za analizo sodobne umetniške produkcije, ki bo pomagala vzpostaviti in krepiti odgovoren odnos do umetnosti kot produkcije z družbeno-transformativnim potencialom.

ŠUM ni tematska publikacija, prispevki pa niso naročeni. Cilj je namreč omogočiti objavo tistih tekstov, ki so posledica študijskega ali strokovnega interesa posameznega pisca.

Besides being active on this content-level of production, Šum also became an experiment in forming alternative financial and organizational support strategies, and


The magazine set of in 2013. Its start goes back further, to 2009, when skupina študentov Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje skupaj s študentoma Fakultete za Arhitekturo izoblikovala projekt avtonomne študentske platforme za vzpostavljanje kritičnega dialoga in refleksije študijskega sistema, umetniškega sistema in družbe. The gallery space did not turn put due to differences with aluo, but društvo boks was created and niciativa je v sodelovanju z DPU (Delavsko punkersko univerzo) pripravila Simpozij Kako misliti avtonomne sturkture znotraj univerze v Ljubljani, s katerim je poskušala analizirati odpor inštitucije do ideje študentske avtonomije.

Bralni večeri so se odvijali tekom leta 2012 v prostorih Muzeja za sodobno umentost Metelkova. Namenjeni so bili prebiranju in razmišljanju o besedilih z različnimi vsebinami relevantnimi za razumevanje sodobne umetnosti, s poudarkom na refleksiji in problematizaciji pojma umetniške dokumentacije kot prevladujoče forme reprezentacije sodobne umetnosti v institucionalnem kontekstu.

Bralni večeri so bili del projekta Živi Depo, ki ga organizirata društvo Galerija BOKS in MSUM. Projekt Živi Depo se odvija kot program Knjigarne Depo v Muzeju sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, in se posveča aktualnim vprašanjem odnosa med dokumentom in umetniškim delom. Projekt je osredotočen na vprašanje pomena dokumenta v konstrukciji zgodovinskega spomina in njegove zveze z umetniškim delom in gledalcem.

Another unrealised project was the politics of exhibtion, which would conclude with an exhibition of student works, which is also its main event. The purpose of the project is to present problems of exhibiting on both practical and theoretical level, and highlight the role of the artist in relation to other colleagues in the art system, as well as his status of cultural worker in the context of production processes. Besides a workshop, where participants will gain basic skills of proffesional presentation of their work, the project will also include lectures about the politics of display in the historical and contemporary social context. Lectures will be held on a monthly basis. Concept of the exhibition and selection of student’s works will be done by a curator. A publication that will bring together the exhibition catalog and theoretical contributions of the lecturers will be issued at the end of the project.

Osrednje dogajanje projekta “Mladi na stičišču med umetnostjo in družbo” predstavlja 12 srečanj/pogovorov (od tega 6 javnih) o relevantnih umetniških delih iz zbirk nacionalnih muzejev in galerij. Tekom projekta bo obravnavanih 6 izbranih umetniških del.

Pogovori so zastavljeni kot kritično premišljevanje o umetnosti, na podlagi katerega je mogoče stopnjevati analizo posameznih del. Kritičen in refleksiven pristop je ključen za resno ustvarjanje umetnosti kot tudi za odpiranje vprašanj o sodobnosti. Reaktualizacija umetnosti in izjav iz preteklosti skozi precizno analizo je tisto kar to umetnost iztrga iz primeža ideologije in ponovno umešča v polje političnega.

Besedila, ki bodo nastala kot posledica aktivne participacije udeležencev bodo zbrana v publikaciji, izdaja katere je eden od predvidenih rezultatov projekta.

Out of this grew sumn magazine.-


Other activities



https://sumrevija.wordpress.com/arhiv-seminarjev/ https://sumrevija.wordpress.com/kuriranje-sodobne-umetnosti/ https://sumrevija.wordpress.com/analiza-sodobne-umetnosti/

pogovori in rpedavanja, bralni workshopi: v navezi z radip študsent, različni producenti

See also

External links

[Politics of Exhibiting The Politics of Exhibiting project website]
... more about "Šum Magazine"
Šum, revija za kritiko sodobne umetnosti +
Tjaša Pogačar +
biannual +
Šum, revija za kritiko sodobne umetnosti +
Member of the editorial team +
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