Festivals in Slovenia

From Culture.si
Revision as of 19:05, 11 August 2015 by Editor (talk | contribs)

An interactive calendar includes those festivals from the the Culture.si database that have already published their dates for the 2015 edition or provided information.

The festivals are arranged by weeks and are still subject to change. Festival organisers are invited to send in their festival 2015 dates (culture@ljudmila.org).

A printed version of the Festivals in Slovenia 2012 calendar was designed by Atelje.Balant.

Festivals in slovenia 2012.jpgThe printed version of the calendar of Festivals in Slovenia in 2012 contains 141 festivals. Later on, in 2019, the festival number rose to 199. Check out the current annual festivalscape!


Based on an idea by Jana Wilcoxen the infographic was developed by Jure Čuhalev and the Culture.si team at the Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory in 2011.

Since 2012 the annual festivalscapes are provided. In the upper left-hand corner you can select a year to get the relevant annual calendar.

The festivals timeline since 1909

You can complement the above infographic with the timeline of festivals, which reveals the dynamics of establishing new festivals in Slovenia (since 1909).

Press clipping

See also


... more about "Festivals in Slovenia"
An interactive calendar includes those festivals from the the Culture.si database that have already published their dates for the 2015 edition or provided information. +
An interactive calendar includes those festivals from the the Culture.si database that have already published their dates for the 2015 edition or provided information. +