Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana

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Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana (MGML)
Gosposka 15, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 2500
Blaž Peršin, Director

Phone386 (0) 1 241 2504, 386 (0) 31 707 422
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In 2009 the City Museum of Ljubljana and the City Art Gallery Ljubljana merged into a new public institute called the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana. The merger was part of the Municipality of Ljubljana's cultural development plans for 2008–2011, endorsed in June 2008.

Beside the City Museum of Ljubljana and its unit the Ščit - Conservatory Centre of the City Museum of Ljubljana the new institute now manages its former 4 dislocated facilities (Vžigalica Gallery, Jakopič Gallery, the Tobacco Museum in the former Tobacco Factory complex on Tržaška cesta, and the Memorial Room of Writer Ivan Cankar on Rožnik Hill) as well as another 4 facilities which were previously managed by the City Art Gallery Ljubljana: two spaces of the former City Art Gallery Ljubljana, one at Mestni trg 5 (the main exhibiting space and former headquarters of the City Art Gallery Ljubljana) and the second at Cankarjevo nabrežje 11/1), and both spaces in Bežigrad, namely the Bežigrajska galerija 1 and 2.

A new venue of 350 m2 in the complex of Tobacco Factory opened in 2011 with a new permanent display of the Tobacco Museum Collection, and a new contemporary art space. The house offers also the very first residency for the visual artists in Ljubljana.

See also

Visual art galleries

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