Grrizli Madams

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The stoner rock band Grrizli Madams tracks its begginings back to 2003, when they originally started as a quartet and were mainly playing trash and death metal. Though they did not release any albums (other than a demo recording in 2005) theywere actively performing in a number of local clubs. After 2005 they went into a three years long hibernation after which they reformed into a trio. Their musical orientation changed into something best described as stoner (post)rock with many a residue of their former harder and darker sound.

In 2010 they released their first EP titled V vrtincu vsemogočnega miru [In the vortex of the omnipotent peace]. It was released on Radio Študent Records and was later followed by a full album called SNTNTN, also done for the same label.


Grrizli Madams are Matej Hočevar on the guitar, Miha Vodušek playing the bass guitar and Gašper Prus on drums. The later has also been a member of other bands, namely the DNK, 3 Tone Tamas and Deratizator. He is also a member of Radio Študent (RŠ) music editorship.

See also

External links