
Revision as of 04:07, 11 September 2011 by Ljudmila (talk | contribs)



Current software

Provides backup, some bots and some utilities, used to run the site

Note! Current mediawiki stuff in svn is not quite up to date. Eventually it needs to be replaced with stuff actually used (it is backed up)

Checkout with svn

mkdir Projects
cd Projects
svn co svn+ssh://
cd culture

You might want to create a special user on your system for this stuff...

There is also etc/crontab you might want to look into. It runs the Makefile.

You might also need to set some environment for stuff to work from shell.

. etc/

Toplevel Makefile contains some useful targets for backups and updates, everything that runs from Makefile.

Directory bin contains some useful commands. They try to have reasonable names. Many include some help.