

Hi, I noticed that the link to this category has changed in the nav bar from Support to Service. I would propose either Services or Support services. It's odd, to click on Service and arrive at a Category:Support page with all of the subcategories also described as support. If I try to substitute the word services for support in the subcategories, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. For example, Design services implies something different to me than Design support.

I think we should sleep on this terminology a little bit more ... and discuss it further here ...

Hm. and while we're considering the names on the links in the nav bar, Find could also be confusing. But for the moment, I don't have a better solution. Sleeping on that one, too. --jwilcoxen 20:11, 12 November 2009 (UTC)

Tectonic changes are about to occur re. the design and positioning of the menu items. The left column will most probably dissapear. Let's just focus on the navigation groups and their hierarchy. Admin 21:51, 12 November 2009 (UTC)