URIs of the form "mfd@siol.net, iscomet@siol.net, esers@uni-mb.si" are not allowed.
Depot:Miljenka Fischer Devetak (MFD) Foundation for Fostering the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in South Eastern Europe
The Miljenka Fischer Devetak (MFD) Foundation organises conferences, seminars and other meetings to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience and produces publications on the cultural heritage of the minorities. It collects funds for major projects, usually co-operative cross-border projects focused on South Eastern Europe. In May 2002 the MFD Foundation in partnership with the Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (ISCOMET), Maribor, the European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies (ECERS), University of Maribor and the Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana, organised a seminar on ‘Multireligious Images of Slovenia’ in Maribor.