Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tehran

From Culture.si


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Veleposlaništvo republike Slovenije, Teheran
North Kamranieh, Sheybani street, Homayoun Farokh alley 24, Tehran
Phone98 21 2615 2692
Past events

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tehran is also responsible for Pakistan.

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo republike Slovenije, Teheran +
Veleposlaništvo republike Slovenije, Teheran +
Tehran +
North Kamranieh, Sheybani street, Homayoun Farokh alley 24 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tehran is also responsible for Pakistan. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tehran is also responsible for Pakistan. +
+98 21 2615 2692 +
EmailThis property is a special property in this wiki.