Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Portugal Based in Ljubljana

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Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Portugal Based in Ljubljana
Prešernova 25, 1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 478 6153
Mojca Nemec Van Gorp, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Portuguese Republic resident in Ljubljana
Past Events
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The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Lisbon was closed in September 2012. The Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Portuguese Republic is resident in Ljubljana.

See also

External links

Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Portugal Based in Ljubljana +
Mojca Nemec Van Gorp +
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Portugal Based in Ljubljana +
1000 Ljubljana +
Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Portuguese Republic resident in Ljubljana +
Prešernova 25 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Lisbon was closed in September 2012. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Lisbon was closed in September 2012. +
+386 / 1 478 6153 +
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