Shoemaker's Museum, Turnišče

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Čevljarski muzej, Turnišče
Turistično društvo Turnišče, Sl-9224 Turnišče
Phone386 (0) 2 572 1060

Opened in 1979 by footwear industry Planika, the Shoemaker's Museum, Turnišče is located in a typical Prekmurje straw-thatched house opposite the industrial plant. Turnišče has a long tradition of shoemaking, shoe guild and footwear industry Planika.


The collection is presented in a typical Prekmurje house, like were once a home of shoe makers family and its trade. Original shoemaking materials, old leather machines from the 19th and 20th century, tools and accessories are on display.

See also

External links

Čevljarski muzej, Turnišče +
SI-9224 Turnišče +
Opened in 1979 by footwear industry Planika, the Shoemaker's Museum in Turnišče is located in a typical Prekmurje straw-thatched house opposite the industrial plant. +
Opened in 1979 by footwear industry Planika, the Shoemaker's Museum in Turnišče is located in a typical Prekmurje straw-thatched house opposite the industrial plant. +
Turnišče +
SI-9224 +