Emona Folklore Group

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Folklorna skupina Emona
Belokranjska 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 31 392 340
Past events

Emona Folklore Group was established in 1967 by Bruno Ravnikar. This amateur folklore group consists of over 80 dancers and musicians who present a repertory programme of folk dances and songs from all Slovene regions. The group has its own ethno-music and tamboura orchestra that has produced two music CDs.

The group's programme covers traditional dances from throughout Slovenia as well as some dances of Slovene ethnic minorities. The group was one of the first in Slovenia to introduce in their programmes ancient folk instruments (hammered dulcimer, musical saw, pan pipes, etc.) and many home-made rhythmic instruments. Since its beginning, the Emona Folklore group has had over 1,600 members and has toured throughout Europe and presented the Slovene cultural heritage in the Americas, Algeria, Egypt, Japan, and North Korea.

Emona Folklore Group is a member of the Union of Cultural Societies of Slovenia (ZKDS) and CIOFF.

See also

External links

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Folklorna skupina Emona +
Folklorna skupina Emona +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Belokranjska 6 +
Emona Folklore Group was established in 1967 by Bruno Ravnikar. +
Emona Folklore Group was established in 1967 by Bruno Ravnikar. +
+386 / 31 392 340 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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