Memorial House - Museum of the People from Primorska and Istria in Prekmurje

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Spominska hiša - muzej Primorcev in Istranov v Prekmurju

This extraordinary Memorial House, dedicated to the refugees from the Primorska and Istra regions in Prekmurje, opened in 2012 in a small village of Pince Marof, established by the first settlers in the 1920s.

Spominska hiša - muzej Primorcev in Istranov v Prekmurju +
This grassroots Memorial HouseThis grassroots Memorial House, dedicated to the refugees from the Primorska and Istria regions in Prekmurje, opened in 2012 in a small village of Pince Marof, established by the first settlers in the 1920s.lished by the first settlers in the 1920s. +
This grassroots Memorial House, dedicated to the refugees from the Primorska and Istria regions in Prekmurje, opened in 2012 in a small village of Pince Marof, established by the first settlers in the 1920s. +