Revision as of 20:54, 30 January 2018 by Anže Zorman (talk | contribs) (depot)

Contact, prvi slovenski in italijanski spletni časopis
Via Polonio 3, IT-34125 Trieste

Phone39 (0) 40 347 6031
Dario Bradassi, Editor in Chief, the first bilingual Slovenian/Italian online news website, is based in Trieste and was established in 2008. It covers both daily world news and local and regional news in Slovenia and Italy, with an emphasis on the border towns of Gorizia, Trieste, Udine, and Koper. Reporting especially on the political and cultural activities of the Slovene minority living in Italy, the site acts as a communication and bonding tool between Slovene and Italian readers from the both sides of the border.

See also

External links