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The Association of Newspapers and Magazines Publishers operates under the umbrella of the Chamber of Publishing, Bookselling, Graphic Industry, Radio and TV Media (GZS-ZKGM) within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS), representing the interests of 46 newspaper publishers and 77 magazine and periodical publishers. Its programmes and tasks include: representing Slovene newspapers, magazines, and journals in all dealings with the Union of Slovene Journalists and in discussions with governmental institutions regarding status, laws, and tax reforms in the field of printed media; stimulating in-country and international networking; and conferring the annual Zlato ogledalo ("Golden Mirror") Award for the best printed announcement. The aAssociation forwards to its members regular information from the National Research on Readership and also the IFRA Trend Report (INCA-FIEJ Research Association, the world's leading association for media publishing), a weekly executive summary of global trends, strategies and innovations influencing the future of news, newsrooms, and news publishing.
Culture.si offers information on Slovene cultural producers, venues, festivals and support services, all in one place. It encourages international cultural exchange in the fields of arts, culture and heritage. The portal and its content is owned and funded by the Ministry of Culture, funded by the European Union Recovery and Resilience Plan and developed by Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory.