Beno Zupančič Library Postojna


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Knjižnica Bena Zupančiča Postojna
Trg padlih borcev 5, SI-6230 Postojna
Phone386 (0) 5 726 4520
Tatjana Gornik Baraga, Director

Beno Zupancic Library Postojna 2009 exterior Photo Uros Mlinar.JPGBeno Zupančič Library Postojna is one of the Notranjska region's main cultural, educational and free time activity centres

Beno Zupančič Library Postojna is one of the Notranjska region's main cultural, educational and free time activity centres. It has branches in Pivka and Prestranek. Originally established in 1905 as the People's Library, this institution was known from 1957 as the City Library before it acquired its current name in 1981.

The library has a collection of over 110,000 library items, 40 % of which are aimed at young people. Since 1979 the addition of a mobile library service has expanded access to people living in rural villages. Computerisation and the development of the COBISS - Slovene Virtual Library system has kept the institution ahead since the 1990s, and in 2001 an Internet corner was established. Some 28 % of the municipal population have already enrolled in the library, which organises frequent literary evenings and book events. The library presents around 10 small exhibitions (thematic and fine arts) each year.

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