Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Athens



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Consulate General of Slovenia Athens
27/A Kifissias Avenue, 115 23 Athens
Phone30 210 691 0008, 30 6942 475 122
Evangelos Tziavos, Honorary Consul General

The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Athens assists the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Athens, which is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Greece.

See also

External links

Consulate General of Slovenia Athens +
115 23 Athens +
The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Athens assists the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Athens, which is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Greece. +
The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia Athens assists the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Athens, which is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Greece. +