Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia



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Inšpektorat RS za kulturo in medije
Metelkova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 400 7901
Sonja Trančar, Chief Inspector

Phone386 (0) 1 400 7998

The Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia is a body under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture that oversees the implementation of legislation and other regulations and general acts relating to culture and media.

The range of the inspectorate's range of work is defined by the following acts: the Act on Enforcing Public Interest in the Field of Culture, the Act on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, the Act on the Protection of Documentary and Archive Materials and Archive, the Librarianship Act, the Media Act.

See also

External links

Inšpektorat RS za kulturo in medije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
The Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia is a body under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture that oversees the implementation of legislation and other regulations and general acts relating to culture and media. +
The Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia is a body under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture that oversees the implementation of legislation and other regulations and general acts relating to culture and media. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +