Archival article
Established in 2001, is a web-based bilingual information resource for artists, theorists, and cultural managers who operate with/in Slovenia or abroad. It collects and publishes information on funding sources (national and international, public and private), participation opportunities (calls for proposals, invitations), educational programmes (focusing on art or theory production and management), collaboration, advocacy (including a manual for freelance artists, artists' associations, and NGOs), and provides other useful on-line resources (free legal consulting, E-mail lists, websites, databases, forums). Its free weekly e-mail Newsletter is received by more than 6,000 subscribers around the globe. Since 2006 has been a member of the Informal Network of SEE Cultural Portals (inSEEcp).
Artservis supports the independent and competent operation of individuals and organisations involved in contemporary art. Its main principles are free public access and information-sharing, built up through the users' network. It was conceived and is maintained by SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts. is registered as an on-line media by the Ministry of Culture.
Artservis Collection
Since 2005 Artservis has also been building up its own collection of artworks that deal with production conditions in culture. It includes artworks from over 15 local artists or groups and is occasionally on display, often also in the form of a mobile suitcase by Borut Savski.
Another important feature of the Artservis endavours is its off-line activity. The members of the editorial team monitor the development of cultural policy and together with the Odprta zbornica ("Open Chamber"), Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers, and the Syndicate Conference of the Self-employed artists (SUKI) at the Glosa Syndicate, act as an important civil society partner in the dialogue with the governement.
In 2009 the Artservis team organised an round table on Self-organising of Artists for the Improvement of their Position in the Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture as a part of the Let's Talk Critic Art (2009–2012) international project which examines the critical aspects of contemporary arts (in collaboration with Kulturpunkt from Croatia, Forum Skopje from Macedonia, and from Serbia).
The members of the Informal Network of SEE Cultural Portals (inSEEcp) participated in the Let’s Talk Critic Arts project which concluded with an online publication From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society (Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990–2010).
See also
External links
- Artservis website
- Artservis Mobility Project web pages (in Slovenian)
- Artservis Collection
- inSEEcp Network blog
- The Let's talk Critic Arts online book
- Artservis in the case study for European Commission DG Education and Culture by Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH (2009)
- Artservis in EU Commission's study - the feasibility study on European information systems supporting the mobility of artists and cultural workers (2009)
- Artservis as the Creative Commons case study