The Association of Slovene Film Producers (FPS) is an independent, non-profit organisation founded in 2009 to represent film producers in Slovenia. With a desire to contribute to the development of Slovenian filmmaking and audiovisual culture as a whole, its basic aims are to foster free, independent and creative work, encourage greater professionalism in film production, and increase the profile of domestic and international film producers.
Membership is voluntary and by invitation, and is open to Slovenian film producers and to professionals from other countries engaged in the production of Slovenian films. In order to be accepted as a member of the FPS, the producer must have produced at least one major full-length film distributed in cinemas nationwide or one full-length television work broadcast simultaneously across the territory of Slovenia. Those with a university-level qualification in film production are also eligible for membership. The FPS is made up of three bodies: the management board, the supervisory board and the honorary tribunal, which decides on breaches of the association's code of ethics.
FPS activities can be divided broadly into public- and profession-facing. The former includes public presentations of the association's work in the form of conferences, symposiums, film showings, festivals and retrospectives, and collaboration with educational, academic and research institutions with the aim of producing research and teaching content in the field of film production. It also includes general social education in the area of film in terms of encouraging the public to consider the role of film more broadly within society The latter includes the organisation of education and training for FPS members in the form of seminars and course,
Joining together most of the Slovene film producers, critically monitors legislation related to the film industry and its representatives propose changes and discuss them with the Ministry of Culture and the Slovenian Film Centre.
The Association of Slovene Film Producers aims to spread information on international cooperation and to assist in its implementation.
Društvo Filmski producenti Slovenije (krajše Društvo FPS, v nadaljnjem besedilu društvo) je prostovoljno, samostojno, nepridobitno združenje, v katerega se povezujejo slovenski filmski producenti, da uresničujejo svoje skupne stanovske, družbene, kulturne in narodne interese, z zavestim delovanjem v prid razvoja slovenske nacionalne kinematografije in avdiovizualne kulture.