

Erjavčeva 53, SI-5000 Nova Gorica

Carinarnica (in English, "Customs House") is a cultural centre, established in 2016 in Nova Gorica, a city on the western border of Slovenia. It is a cultural, inter-city juncture for the development of non-governmental and urban culture, located in the building of the former border-crossing between the two cities, between Italian Gorizia and Slovenian Nova Gorica. It is a meeting point for open-minded people who care for the urban culture of both cities.


The building at the border, where customs between Italy and Slovenia once operated, has acquired a different meaning: a centre for urban culture connects Nova Gorica and Gorizia into a unified cultural space for various events. The building itself has a high symbolic value since it is positioned directly on the border, which on the one hand is a symbol of division, but also a symbol of connectivity. It is also close to the Europe Square and rounds off this border area.

The premises were renovated by the Municipality of Nova Gorica, and the opening in September 2016 was accompanied by a guided tour along the border and other cultural events. Carinarnica was founded by five local cultural organisations, bringing together friends of culture and social dynamics of the common borderless coexistence space: the Goriška Humanist Association, Architects’ Society of Primorska Region, KREA Cultural and Art Association, Kinoatelje Institute and CINEMattic Institute.


The content Carinarnica provides is a mix of various cultural and artistic presentations, social events, literary and multimedia evenings, art installations, performances, film and theatre events and photography exhibitions. Each of the founding organisations prepares its own activities, but often they are also interconnected, while at the same time ensuring the connection of different artists from both sides of the border and beyond.

Various cultural events are taking place at Carinarnica: from literary evenings, musical performances, debates, lectures, exhibitions, workshops, coworking for individuals and NGOs is offered. Each year, it hosts the Club Marathon, a concert cycle organised by Radio Študent.

In 2019, Carinarnica organised the Improbiro Festival, the first congress of free, improvised music in the Nova Gorica region, a meeting of musicians, organizers, publishers, theorists and music lovers who are particularly attracted to free, marginal forms of music.

See also

External links


... more about "Carinarnica"
Carinarnica +
45.953 +
Carinarnica +
13.635 +
SI-5000 Nova Gorica +
Erjavčeva 53 +
Carinarnica (in English, "Customs House") is a cultural centre, established in 2016 in Nova Gorica, a city on the western border of Slovenia. +
Carinarnica (in English, "Customs House") is a cultural centre, established in 2016 in Nova Gorica, a city on the western border of Slovenia. +
Nova Gorica +
SI-5000 +
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