From is a music webzine that started its web existence in 2011. Its content revolves around the "heavier" types of music, primarily focusing on various strands of metal music. The webzine offers current news from the scene, in-depth album and concert reviews, various articles, interviews, and an overview of upcoming concerts. There is also a video section called "Profanity TV1", which is put up on Youtube and mostly features interviews with musicians and short video recordings of the concerts that have been recently held in Slovenia.

The editorial crew is made up of knowledgeable volunteers and is led by Ivan Cepanec, also the editor of the now deceased Master Magazine and a music journalist on Radio Študent (RŠ).

External links

... more about "" + + is a music webzine that started its web existence in 2011. + is a music webzine that started its web existence in 2011. +
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