Egon March Institute



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Inštitut Egon March
Mucherjeva 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Marko Košnik, Director

Phone386 (41) 883 402
Past Events
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Egon March Institute (EMI) was established in 1986 as the first Slovene creative unit for reflection, research and production in interdisciplinary arts. The institute was founded by Slovene pioneer of media art Marko Košnik to satisfy the need for international connections between intellectuals.



The Institute regularly cooperates with numerous national and specially with international colleagues and institutions. Since the establishment it has collaborated with Radio Študent (RŠ) which had a regular transmission Egon March Institute presents (1991 - 1996) which included MUU (Media Uplink Unit). Radio Študent and KUD also broadcasted Van Gogh TV Piazza Virtuale, a project presented at Dokumenta IX in Kassel in 1992. The project connected a local newly born commercial TV Kanal A which transmitted the picture from the satellite TV (SAT1) and the sound of Radio Študent together. The interactive TV programme was marked with all pre-internet technological solutions. Egon March Institute also actively collaborated with Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio). Together they have produced several projects for example Cukrarna (Sugar Factory) (first presented at Mediennbienale Leipzig 1994) .


Egon March Institute is often regarded as a synonym for Marko Košnik's sound installations, instrumentalist and video performances, interactive theatre environments and other projects. Egon March Institute has produced or co-produced several Marko Košnik's projects such as Stvar - Das Ding - The Thing (1991), Membrane (1994), A B Sence (Cankarjev dom 1996, New Moves, Glasgow 1997) where Marko Košnik cooperated with Mateja Bučar, the PARA Trilogy which included: (I) Parahouse (1997), a cross-field study between ergonomics of the public place (the house) and different purposes its rooms are used for in the social context, its first phase being performed during the Ostranenie Festival in Dessau in 1997; (ii)Paparapapa (1998), a continuous one-week performance by three artists located in Ljubljana, Frankfurt and Paris, synchronised via Cu-See-Me conferencing system and real video/audio transmissions over the Internet; and (iii) PA-RA (1998), a multimedia theatre performance premiered at Cankarjev dom, Desktop Cinema (Bern 2000) and Theothea (Beograd 2001).

Within the framework of the Institute Marko Košnik has had numerous performances, lectures and workshop tutorials all around the Europe and has initiated educative media environments - for example the Ministry of Experiment, an intermediate space for sharing resources and interests (1997 - 2000). Egon March Institute organised hEXPO - International Festival of Self Organising Cultural Forms with over 70 international guests invited to Ljubljana, Koper and Maribor in 2000.

Operabils and Ditopias

In the years 2004- 2011 Egon March Institute produced Marko Košnik's Operabils and Ditopias some of them in collaboration with other artists, for example with Barbara Thun in Klanggalerie Tube in München. Operabils are modules of media opera while Ditopias are a form of in situ interactive installations, the first one presented in Caen. Since than Košnik has created over 20 Operabils and Ditopias situated in Tirania, Brno, Istanbul, Helsinkih, Rijeka, Maribor, Ljubljana and other generally European cities. Among the most important Operabils are The Missing Engine of Laputa (solo performance for Dokumenta Urba 2 in Kassel, 2006), Operabil Conspirare (at the opening ceremony in the Auditorium of the Berlin festival Transmediale 08. where Košnik performed with Stephen Kovats) and Operabil Kobe (with Barbara Thun and Masayuki Sumi in 2006). Marko Košnik gave a lecture about Operablis and Ditopias and presented documentation of project presentations in Trubar Literature House in September 2011.

Recent project: Electropera

Electropera, a travelling festival was a three-year project (2009-2011) of Egon March Institute in the context of X-OP network, an European platform for the creation of art that joins artists, researchers, operators, producers and cultural institutions. Electropera involved over 30 international artists and more than 50 projects. Egon March Institute joined and synchronised production of artists, operators and curators in a an umbrella project Electropera. In a form of a touring groups, artists could therefore include different places and present their work - performances, concerts, installations, screenings and exhibitions, symposiums and workshops on various venues where they also created site specific interventions and land-art works.

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... more about "Egon March Institute"
Inštitut Egon March, zavod za kreativno izrabo novih medijev +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Egon March Institute (EMI) was founded by Slovene media art pioneer Marko Košnik in 1986 as a unit for reflection, research, and production in interdisciplinary arts. +
Egon March Institute (EMI) was founded by Slovene media art pioneer Marko Košnik in 1986 as a unit for reflection, research, and production in interdisciplinary arts. +
Inštitut Egon March je samoorganizirana raziskovalna in produkcijska interdisciplinarna platforma, ki jo je zasnoval umetnik Marko Košnik. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +