Revision as of 18:21, 25 May 2011 by Editor (talk | contribs) (presentation in Singapore added)


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Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), 31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119595,
Phone65 6874 9700
Valentina Riccardi, Culture360 Project Executive

Culture360 is the only multidisciplinary arts and cultural online tool focused specifically on Asia and Europe. It presents a platform to inform, collaborate, interact and exchange ideas amongst the arts and cultural communities across the two continents. The portal is an initiative by Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and is currently hosted and facilitated by Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF). A comprehensive portal offers opportunity for artists, cultural practitioners and policy makers.

The Culture360 team organised a strategic partnership meeting of 16 experts in July 2010 in Singapore, to explore how can effectively respond to the needs of civil societies and governments as well as the use of social media in engaging them. Žiga Kranjec, the developer of Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory was invited to present the portal.

See also

External links

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Singapore 119595 + is the only multidisciplinary arts and cultural online tool focused specifically on Asia and Europe. + is the only multidisciplinary arts and cultural online tool focused specifically on Asia and Europe. +