Breka Fest


Breka Fest

Festival dates30.8.2024 - 1.9.2024

Breka Fest was launched in 2008 in the village of Srednja Bistrica as the only festival of its kind in Prekmurje, the northeast region of Slovenia. Though it primarily presents the many different strands of metal and HC, it also hosts some more rock or punk-oriented acts. It has a strong programme, which not only stages a lot of bands from the rather thriving metal and HC music scene of Prekmurje, but also renowned musicians from other parts of Slovenia and also some neighbouring countries. It takes place alongside the Mura River, offers free camping and, as of recently, 2 nights of musical programme. In the local dialect, its name breka denotes children's crying.

The festival has been somewhat expanded with 2 side editions. Since 2014 there is the Winter Breka festival, which obviously takes place during the winter and is set in Ambasada ŠKM Beltinci. The other one is the OverMüra Breka Fest, which is organised outside the Prekmurje region (the name refers to this with an untranslatable word game) and has for example taken place at the Pekarna Cultural Centre in Maribor and at Klub Gromka in Ljubljana.

Some of the artists who have played at the stages of various Breka events are Vulvathrone, Odpisani, Noctiferia, In-Sane, Eyecontact, Y, Vasectomy (HR), Debeli Precjednik (HR), Krlja (HR), Upset (HR), Hideous Divinity (IT), Infest (RS), Teamkiller (DE).

See also

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... more about "Breka Fest"
Breka Fest +
25.8.2012, 31.8.2013, 29.8.2014 – 30.8.2014, 28.8.2015 – 29.8.2015, 26.8.2016 – 27.8.2016, 11.3.2017, 25.8.2017 – 26.8.2017, 31.8.2018 - 1.9.2018, 30.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 26.8.2022 - 27.8.2022, 25.8.2023 - 26.8.2023, 30.8.2024 - 1.9.2024 +
20,240,901 +
20,240,830 +
202435 +, 201234 +, 201335 +, 201435 +, 201535 +, 201634 +, 201710 +, 201734 +, 201835 +, 201935 +, 202234 +  and 202334 +
annual +
Breka Fest +
Srednja Bistrica +
Breka Fest was launched in 2008 in the village of Srednja Bistrica as the only festival of its kind in Prekmurje, the northeast region of Slovenia. +
Breka Fest was launched in 2008 in the village of Srednja Bistrica as the only festival of its kind in Prekmurje, the northeast region of Slovenia. +