Keria, Studia Latina et Graeca Journal



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Revija Keria
Aškerčeva cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1416
Managed byZRC Publishing
Jerneja Kavčič, Editor in Chief


Launched in 1999 by the Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic Studies and appearing biannually since, Keria, Studia Latina et Graeca is Slovenia's foremost journal for all areas of Greek and Latin studies, joining classical philologists, historians, philosophers, archaeologists, lawyers, medievalists, Slavic and Roman languages experts, and pedagogues in an effort to facilitate a dialogue between scholarly research, pedagogical activity, and other facets of culture.

The journal is divided into four sections: the first delivers the latest in scholarly insights spanning classical antiquity, the Middle Ages and Humanism, Slovene classical philology, ancient philosophy, medieval philosophy, legal philosophy, and the history of art; the second section aims to acquaint educators with new teaching methodology and curricular developments; the third features translations of shorter original classical texts and studies which have not yet been translated into Slovenian; and the fourth section ("Miscellanea") informs readers about the association’s activities. The journal is issued and distributed by ZRC Publishing.

This journal provides immediate open access to the full-text of articles at no cost on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

See also

External links

Revija Keria +
Jerneja Kavčič +
biannually +
Revija Keria +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Editor in Chief +
Aškerčeva cesta 2 +
Launched in 1999 by the Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic StudiesLaunched in 1999 by the Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic Studies and appearing biannually since, Keria, Studia Latina et Graeca is Slovenia's foremost journal for all areas of Greek and Latin studies, joining classical philologists, historians, philosophers, archaeologists, lawyers, medievalists, Slavic and Roman languages experts, and pedagogues in an effort to facilitate a dialogue between scholarly research, pedagogical activity, and other facets of activity, and other facets of culture. +
Launched in 1999 by the Slovene AssociatioLaunched in 1999 by the Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic Studies and appearing biannually since, Keria, Studia Latina et Graeca is Slovenia's foremost journal for all areas of Greek and Latin studies, joining classical philologists, historians, philosophers, archaeologists, lawyers, medievalists, Slavic and Roman languages experts, and pedagogues in an effort to facilitate a dialogue between scholarly research, pedagogical activity, and other facets of activity, and other facets of culture. +
+386 / 1 241 1416 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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