2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling

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Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta
Neubergerjeva 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 5 997 1747
Urška Jež, President

Phone386 (0) 41 981 209

Trubar Literature House 2011 Fairy Tales Today by Radio Student Photo Nada Žgank.jpgPravljično ReŠetanje - Fairy Tales Today by Radio Student. Andrej Fon (in the foreground), and Andrej Kušlan.

The 2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling was born in 2007 out of the wish to cultivate and to promote storytelling in all its forms. It brings together 2 spheres of activity bound by their mutual aim to cultivate the telling of stories: Animateka International Animated Film Festival and the Radio Student programme Za 2 groša fantazije ("A Twopence of Imagination"). A significant part of the association's activities is dedicated to educational programmes for adults and children, as stories – be they in the form of film, written word, sound recording or live storytelling – should come to life and live on among people.


One of the two reels which keeps the association rolling is the Animateka International Animated Film Festival. Since 2004, when it was established, the festival calls attention – through the screening of hundreds of animated films from all over the world – to the richness and diversity of the expressive means animated film uses in telling its stories. The festival's diverse accompanying programme provides a meeting point for international gathering and exchange of experiences among authors, students, selectors, members of the press, and audiences paving the way for new stories to be born.

The association occasionally acts also as a distributor of animated films in Slovenia. In 2010 it started to distribute The Secret of Kells, an animated film by Tomm Moore and Nora Twomey.


The second reel turns with the rhythm of folk-tale storytelling. Since 2003 the crew and guest performers of the radio show Za 2 groša fantazije [A Twopence of Imagination] at the Radio Student programme have been bringing these tales to life at musical storytelling events called Pravljična reŠetanja [Fairytale Sifting] or Za 2 groša fantazije v živo [A Twopence of Imagination – Live].

Education for children

A bigger part of the activities that the 2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling performs is dedicated to educational programmes. Among the projects meant for the young audience special attention should be addressed to the 2 carefully selected animated film programmes (made in collaboration with the Kinodvor Cinema): the Yellow Elephant is intended for children between 3 and 7 years and the Red Elephant for children over 7 years. A selection of those films was published on the DVD with the title Colourful Elephant.


The programme for adults basically focuses on book publishing activity. The association has published The School of Animated Film by Borivoj "Bordo" Dovnković, 2 graphical short stories, Persepolis 1 and Persepolis 2, both by Marjane Satrapi (co-published with Kino! Society for Expanding Film Culture), and the collection of educational materials, Elephant, by different authors.

See also

External links


Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
The 2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling was born in 2007 out of the wish to cultivate and to promote storytelling in all its forms. +
The 2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling was born in 2007 out of the wish to cultivate and to promote storytelling in all its forms. +
Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta je aktivno predvsem na področju animiranega filma. Med drugim organizira Mednarodni festival animiranega filma ANIMATEKA, a se ukvarja tudi s knjižnimi izdajami, distribucijo filmov in več drugimi aktivnostmi. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +