Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor

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Forma Viva Maribor
City Park, Tabor, Pobrežje, Center, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 229 5860
Breda Kolar Sluga, Director

Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor is one of several in Slovenia which arose out of the International Symposia of Sculptors called Forma Viva, an initiative of sculptors Jakob Savinšek and Janez Lenassi. Maribor's Forma Viva was based on an urban context, thus concrete was chosen as the basic material and the objective of the installation of sculptures was to humanise new urban spaces. The Forma Viva Symposium in Maribor took place 6 times between 1967–1986, enriching the city with the works by 19 Slovene and international artists coming from Japan (4), Italy (2), Poland (1), Serbia (2), and the USA (3).


Modelled after a symposium held in St. Margharethen (Austria, 1959), the first two symposia were organised in Kostanjevica na Krki (wood) and in Seča near Portorož (stone) in 1961. Later, two other venues were included: Ravne na Koroškem (1964, steel) and Maribor (1967, reinforced concrete).


The first three participants in the Maribor International Symposium were Tone Lapajne, Lino Tiné, and Kudo Takeshi, who installed sculptures different in expression and concept, indicating the variety of design possibilities that concrete offers. Particularly fruitful was the engagement of Bradford Graves (1970), whose organic forms visually elevated the unarticulated space near Gradišče. In the same year the Maribor sculptor Vlasta Zorko Tihec enlivened the area in front of the Second Grammar School with a massive block featuring contrasting softly modelled details. The optically varied layered ball of Slavko Tihec (1973) attractively dominates the municipal park with its harmoniously elaborated floor area.

Outside the town, on one bank of the Drava River, stands a minimalist sculpture of the Polish artist Macie Stankowski (1977), whose design of a "door" effectively blends with the river landscape. An interesting sight is Lujo Vodopivec's fountain (1977), situated in front of Hotel Slavija, which was later removed and today stands in front of Maribor's RTV building, although it no longer serves as a fountain.

In 1983 a concrete spiral by Japanese artist Harunori Fujimote rose among the high blocks of flats, and in front of the new VEKŠ building a more intimate sculpture by Mojca Smerdu was erected. Three years later participants in the International Symposium included Dragica Čadež, the American sculptor Will Nettleship, who created the "walk-over" floor sculpture beside the Maribor Art Gallery, and Robert Adzema, who marked a "sunny" spot near the cemetery in Pobrežje with an original sundial.

See also

External links

Forma Viva Maribor +
Breda Kolar Sluga +
46.566 +
Forma Viva Maribor +
15.647 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Director +
City Park, Tabor, Pobrežje, Center +
Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor is one of several in Slovenia which arose out of the International Symposia of Sculptors called Forma Viva, an initiative of sculptors Jakob Savinšek and Janez Lenassi. +
Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor is one of several in Slovenia which arose out of the International Symposia of Sculptors called Forma Viva, an initiative of sculptors Jakob Savinšek and Janez Lenassi. +
+386 / 2 229 5860 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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