AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia


AIPA, k.o. - Zavod za uveljavljanje pravic avtorjev, izvajalcev in producentov avdiovizualnih del Slovenije, k.o.
Dvorakova ulica 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0)1 755 6219

AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia was founded as a joint collective organisation for the management of authorship rights of authors, co-authors, performers, and film producers. In 2010 the institute was recognised by the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) as the collective authorship rights management organisation and currently has more than 200 members, mostly authors and producers.


The idea to establish a competitive collective organisation initially started in 2008 when an open call for support was addressed to authors, performers and producers, especially in the field of audiovisual production. In order to systematically manage the authorship rights in audiovisual, especially within the cable television retransmission, the institute was then officially founded 2 years later.

International cooperation

During the founding year, AIPA received support from several partner organisations, among others also the association of authors Artistas Intérpretes, Sociedad de Gestión (AISGE) from Spain.

The institute is a member of Societies' Council for the Collective Management of Performers' Rights (SCAPR), founded in 1986 and based in Vienna.

The institute issued forms for membership and registration of audiovisual works in Slovenian and English. The forms are available at their website.

See also

External links

AIPA, k.o. - Zavod za uveljavljanje pravic avtorjev, izvajalcev in producentov avdiovizualnih del Slovenije, k.o. +
AIPA, k.o. - Zavod za uveljavljanje pravic avtorjev, izvajalcev in producentov avdiovizualnih del Slovenije, k.o. +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Dvorakova ulica 5 +
AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia was founded as a joint collective organisation for the management of authorship rights of authors, co-authors, performers, and film producers. +
AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia was founded as a joint collective organisation for the management of authorship rights of authors, co-authors, performers, and film producers. +
+386 /1 755 6219 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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