Depot:Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival


Jazzagorje, svetovni festival harmonike
Cesta 9. avgusta 1, SI-1410 Zagorje ob Savi
Phone386 (0) 3 566 4171, 386 (0) 41 489 305

The last edition of the festival was held in 2014.

Archival article

First taking place in 2005, Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival is a unique music festival which primarily sets its focus on presenting accordion-based jazz. It was established with an aim to culturally enliven the summer scene of the Zasavje region by staging musical acts that are otherwise very rarely heard elsewhere. The festival, organised by Delavski dom Zagorje Cultural Centre, is artistically headed by the critically acclaimed accordionist Jure Tori. Its main venue is the green terrace of Delavski dom Zagorje Cultural Centre and it only occasionally strays to the platform in front of the nearby museum.

Currently, the festival is on hold since 2014, but it is planned for one day to happen again.


At first, the festival focused on encouraging young musicians and giving them the incentive to compose and perform their own music. It also brought more renowned musicians, but only in recent years has the festival's programme gained a distinctive consistency in terms of musical vision and quality.

Some of the Slovene artists and ensembles who have performed at Jazzgorje are Jure Tori, Ewald Oberlaitner, Kristina Oberžan Quartet, Čompe, Vasko Atanasovski, KvinTon, Orlek, Sedef, Chris Eckman, and Jadranka Juras. Of the foreign guests, one can name Simonne Zanchinni and Renzo Ruggieri from Italy, Otto Lechner from Austria, Martin Lubenov from Bulgaria, Che Ensemble Argentino from Argentina, and Renato Borgheti from Brazil.

See also

External links

Jazzagorje, svetovni festival harmonike +
6 days, June-September +
23,24,26,27,34,35 (2011) 23,26,35,36 (2012) 24,26,27,28,35,36 (2013) 12,22,26,28,41,47 (2014) +
201123 +, 201124 +, 201126 +, 201127 +, 201134 +, 201135 +, 201223 +, 201226 +, 201235 +, 201236 +, 201324 +, 201326 +, 201327 +, 201328 +, 201335 +, 201336 +, 201412 +, 201422 +, 201426 +, 201428 +, 201441 +  and 201447 +
annual +
Jazzagorje, svetovni festival harmonike +
SI-1410 Zagorje ob Savi +
Cesta 9. avgusta 1 +
First taking place in 2005, Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival is a unique music festival which primarily sets its focus on presenting accordion-based jazz. +
First taking place in 2005, Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival is a unique music festival which primarily sets its focus on presenting accordion-based jazz. +
+386 / 3 566 4171, 386 / 41 489 305 +
Zagorje ob Savi +
SI-1410 +
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