Studio Metro



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Studio Metro
Litijska 38, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 525 1160

Studio Metro was founded back in 1982 as a response to the then available recording infrastructure and conditions, which were according to the founders – both of them musicians – quite unsatisfactory. The studio opted to solve that and now engages in mastering, mixing, and recording for various authors and bands from Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Germany, the USA, Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway, and Spain. Their clients include several record labels from Slovenia (Dallas Records, Nika Records) as well as from abroad.

Some of the more notable Slovene musicians that have recorded at Studio Metro include Big Foot Mama, LeeLooJamais, Demolition Group, Elvis Jackson, Dežurni krivci, Lolita, Zmajev rep, Res Nullius, Perpetuum Jazzile, Vlado Kreslin, and Zoran Predin. Among their regular or occasional foreign clients, there are many very successful rock, pop, and other acts such as Severina, Zdravko Čolić, Let 3, Plavi Orkestar, Tamara Obrovac, Petar Grašo, Gibonni, Bijelo Dugme, Ceca Ražnjatović, Toše Proeski, Danijela, Hladno Pivo, Parni Valjak, Rambo Amadeus, The Bambi Molesters, Vlatko Stefanovski, and The Walkabouts.

They also collaborate with the SAE Institute Ljubljana as lecturers and offer practical lessons and recording hours to the students of this institute and also of the Multimedia Institute and Academy (IAM). The rather impressive list of their clients is mainly due to the knowledgeable crew of the studio, with another reason also being their innovative technical solutions and some unique, self-developed equipment pieces. In 2007, due to their reputation, they were visited by the editors of the American audio magazine Tape Op which then included a multi-page coverage of the studio and the people who work there.

See Also

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... more about "Studio Metro"
Studio Metro +
Studio Metro +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Litijska 38 +
Studio Metro was founded back in 1982 as a response to the then available recording infrastructure and conditions, which were according to the founders – both of them musicians – quite unsatisfactory. +
Studio Metro was founded back in 1982 as a response to the then available recording infrastructure and conditions, which were according to the founders – both of them musicians – quite unsatisfactory. +
+386 / 1 525 1160 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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