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Goethe-Institut Ljubljana

The Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, established in 2004, is the official cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany in Slovenia, a part of the globally operating Goethe-Institut network. The aim of its cultural and educational programmes is to promote intercultural dialogue and cultural participation, supporting the development of civil society structures and global mobility.

Since June 2017, the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana has been housed at the large premises in the vicinity of the Ljubljana city centre, at Mirje 12. The programme consists of exhibitions, film screenings, concerts, workshops, readings and talks all typically by or with German-speaking authors and all with the aim of linking the German and Slovene cultural scenes. The fundamental method of the Goethe-Institut is intercultural dialogue based on partnership cooperation.

The Goethe-Institut Ljubljana is a member of EUNIC Slovenia, a network involving several European cultural institutions promoting intercultural dialogue, mobility, early language learning, and multilingualism.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012, HAS LOGO, HAS MAP, Funding, professional and support services, Support services, Articles maintained by Admin, International cultural centres, Culturesi Press & Art Studios, June 2012, Germany

Goethe Institut (logo).jpg

Slovenian Book Agency

The Slovenian Book Agency is a public agency that was established in 2008 to engage the area of literature in a coordinated and uniform way. Its primary concerns are to facilitate better availability of books, to promote Slovene authors internationally, to financially support literary events, projects concerned with reading culture, publications of quality books and translations, and to regulate the process from the production to publication to distribution of literature.

JAK (Slovenian abbreviation for Slovenian Book Agency) is located in the house called Vratarnica (Gatekeeper's house) in the Metelkova Quarter of Ljubljana, in the vicinity of the Ministry of Culture.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NEEDSUPDATE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, HAS LOGO, HAS MAP, Public entities, Funding, National funding, Funding, professional and support services, Support services, National cultural institutions, Literature, Articles maintained by Anja Mrak, Literature funding, Literature support services, Literature festivals worldwide, Literature funding, professional and support services

Slovenian Book Agency (logo).svg