Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Sarajevo

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Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije, Sarajevo
Maglajska 4, 7100 Sarajevo
Phone387 33 251 770
Past events

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sarajevo is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The embassy maintains and strengthens the relations and contacts with state institutions in the region and promotes cooperation and bilateral political, economic, and cultural relations between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It also provides consular assistance, together with its consular service in Banja Luka.

Cultural cooperation

Cultural cooperation between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is extensive. The legal basis for cooperation in the field of culture is the Agreement on Cooperation in Culture, Education and Science between the Republic of Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The embassy itself does not have funds available for cultural cooperation between the two countries. Such funds are available through public tenders by the Ministry of Culture, public tenders by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia with s focus on Western Balkans or tenders of the local municipalities.

The embassy promotes applications for the award of scholarships for the study of nationals of Western Balkans in Slovenia run by the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund.

The embassy also promotes public tenders for translations from Slovenian run by the Slovenian Book Agency.

Slovene community

According to the data available, the Slovene community in Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of approximately 5,000 people who are either Slovenes or have Slovene ancestry. The majority of them live in Sarajevo and some are actively involved in one of the ten Slovene associations spread around Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Slovenian language programmes

The lectureship of Slovenian language reopened in 2015 at the University of Sarajevo and is one of the 55 Slovenian lectureships active around the world.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia organises and finances Slovenian language classes in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka, and Prijedor. Every year there is large interest for summer school for Slovenian language in Slovenia, organised by the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language.

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije, Sarajevo +
Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije, Sarajevo +
7100 Sarajevo +
Maglajska 4 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sarajevo is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Sarajevo is the official representative body of the Slovene Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. +
+387 33 251 770 +
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