Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs


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Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije (MZZ)
Prešernova 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 478 2000
Past events

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFA) implements foreign policy and carries out duties determined by the Foreign Affairs Act and other regulations. It also contributes expert viewpoints during the planning of Slovenia's foreign policy, during the preparations and procedures for shaping this policy, and prior to the adoption of resolutions passed by the National Assembly and the government. The Ministry represents Slovenia in other countries and with international organisations, monitors international political and economic relations, and develops relations between Slovenia and other states and international organisations.

The Ministry is responsible for negotiations with other countries and international organisations, and for proposing international agreements to be ratified, as well as for their evidencing and archiving. In addition, it promotes and coordinates international cooperation in the political, economic, educational, cultural, scientific, technical and other fields. It devotes particular attention to the protection of the interests of the Republic of Slovenia and of its citizens and legal entities abroad; it is also concerned with the welfare of Slovene minorities in neighbouring countries and of Slovenes worldwide. These activities are carried out by the Ministry itself and at the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Slovenia abroad.

The Slovenian Culture and Information Centre in Vienna (since 2011) and the Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin (since June 2016, located at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Berlin) were set up by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. The MFA Department for Public Diplomacy and International Cooperation in Culture cooperates closely also with Slovene diplomatic-consular representatives abroad, a network of Slovene embassies and consulates as well as follows activities concerning the teaching of Slovenian language at foreign universities (in cooperation with the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language).

Africa Day

Since 2012 the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs organises the Africa Day international conference dedicated to exploring development challenges and opportunities on the African continent and enhancing bilateral ties between African countries and Slovenia. Enhanced cooperation between countries fostered various bilateral projects, such as the integrated telemedicine and e-health programme in Cape Verde, etc. The event has been co-organised by the International Center for Public Enterprises (ICPE), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the International African Forum and the Club of Former Slovenian Ambassadors.

In May 2016 the Fifth Africa Day International Conference takes place. The three panel discussions focus on urban and rural development in Africa and its demographics, on regional integration in Africa and economic cooperation, and on the prospects and challenges relating to Slovenia's engagement with Africa. The second day various opportunities to enhance economic cooperation between African countries and Slovenia are explored. During the whole week an outreach cultural programme takes place: exhibition by Eduardo Bentuba (Cape Verde), Malawian and Nigerian film screenings and lecture of "Nollywood" (in cooperation with Slovenian Cinematheque), the "Call Center" performance at Mini Teater, Senegalese group "Frères Guissé" concert, discussion on African artists that participated at Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts between 1991 and 1995, the panel discussion about the Non-Aligned Movement, and the talk "Paradoxes and Contemporary African Cultures(s)" by Kendell Geers & Mara Ambrožič at the MSUM), and children workshops.

See also

Some of the departments

Diplomatic and cultural missions

External links

Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije (MZZ) +
46.052 +
Ministrstvo za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije (MZZ) +
14.498 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Prešernova 25 +
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFA) implements foreign policy and carries out duties determined by the Foreign Affairs Act and other regulations. +
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFA) implements foreign policy and carries out duties determined by the Foreign Affairs Act and other regulations. +
+386 / 1 478 2000 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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