Muzeum Institute



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Zavod Muzeum
Gornji trg 44, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 422 0290
Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, Director
Past Events
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Established in 1996, the Muzeum Institute is a non-for-profit institution for art production, distribution, and publishing. The organisation developed out of Muzeum Theatre, a conceptual theatre company under the direction of Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, which remains the core of its activities. Muzeum is also involved in different visual art and publishing projects.

Theatre production

Between 1993 and 2000 Barbara Novakovič Kolenc conceived and directed five stage performances: Cricket in the Fist [Čriček v pesti], Lo Scrittore, Emilia [Emilija], The Girl and the Double Bass [Deklica in kontrabas], and Paracelsus & Frankenstein, each of them exploring individual fields of art, namely fine art, architecture, dance, music, and movement. The subsequent synthesis performance All Together Now [Vse najboljše] was staged at the Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Ljubljana - Opera and Ballet, featuring a cast of actors from an old people's home, and was presented at the 2000 Manifesta 3 in Ljubljana.

In 2000 Muzeum launched a series of performances under the title Project 1-5, which investigated theatre language through the input by authors coming from non-theatre fields (from architecture, dance, theory, light design, art history), who were involved in stage direction for the first time.

In Autumn 2006 Muzeum presented two productions: Molière premièred within the framework of the Ex Ponto International Festival, and Rodin II was performed at Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station and subsequently presented also at the Mladi levi Festival and around Slovenia.

In 2007 a young visual artist (sculpture and video) Miha Erman together with Alexandra Kajbič presented a theatre piece Bark So I Can See You [Zalajaj, da te vidim], while in 2010 Erman's new authorial project is in production.

In 2007-2009 the Winter's Uncle trilogy was conceived by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc: A Winter's Tale [Zimska pravljica], based on the play by Shakespeare, which was staged at Križanke, while in 2008 Uncle Vanya and the 12 bouquets [Striček Vanja in 12 šopkov] was performed at Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station as well as at the Ljubljana Castle. The performance The Repository WUST (Winter's Uncle and Summer Tale) [FUNDUS ZS PP (Zimski striček in Poletna pravljica)], created by B. Novakovič and Sanja Nešković Peršin, premièred in December 2009, and featured artefacts from the City Museum of Ljubljana and selected contemporary visual art as a set. In perfomance tourings, artefacts are site specific.

Barbara Novakovič Kolenc directed Racine's Berenice in the framework of the Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Ljubljana - Drama repertory in 2000, and put on stage Daniil Harms' play Elisabeth Bam at Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station in 2008.

Visual arts projects

The Muzeum Institute actively engages in visual arts projects. In 2002-2003 it presented the auteur fine art projects Talking House - Theory Open I, II, III: The Shirt of Saint Francis at the Museum of Modern Art, Saint Lazarus at the City Art Museum Ljubljana and Saint Teresa at Kapelica Gallery, all conceived by Barabara Novakovič Kolenc.

In 2007 an international exhibition entitled Paperwork was presented at the City Museum of Ljubljana.

Some Muzeum performances were staged in gallery spaces, for example, the 2004 production Rodin (directed by Boris Mihalj) and the 2010 production The Repository WUST, which were presented at the Jakopič Gallery.

International projects and touring

Muzeum has also produced various international visual arts projects, notably Map to Paradise from Ljubljana (2000), a site-specific installation at Ljubljana Castle by Peter Greenaway, and the accompanying Peter Greenaway film retrospective of the same year.

In 2005 the Muzeum Institute participated in the international co-curatorial and multidisciplinary project Continental Breakfast; the Ljubljana component of the project was entitled Memory (W)hole and comprised an international symposium, a site-specific exhibition and art performances at Ljubljana Castle. New variants of the Memory (W)hole exhibition were subsequently presented at the Skopje Museum of Modern Art in Macedonia and at the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Banja Luka.

Besides theatre and visual arts projects the Muzeum Institute has also been involved in a number of international cultural policy projects (eg Mobile Theatre Network and Loops, 1999-2001) and in publishing activities.

Muzeum Theatre productions have been presented in Austria, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Mongolia, Croatia, Albania, Armenia and Italy.

The Museum Institute is a member of the Informal European Theatre Meeting (IETM).

Muzeum publishing

Since 2000 Muzeum has published the Muzeum Newsletter. Other publications have included Mobile Theatre Network - Strategies for Establishing Distribution Networks for Independent Performing Arts in Central and Eastern Europe (a symposium in 1999), Peter Greenaway's Book (a book of theoretical texts by Slovene authors on the work of Peter Greenaway), Peter Greenaway: Map to Paradise from Ljubljana (a book of documents) and the Memory (W)hole - Continental Breakfast Ljubljana exhibition catalogue.

External links

Muzeum Institute website (in English) [Category:Theatre producers]]

... more about "Muzeum Institute"
Muzeum, zavod za umetniško produkcijo, posredovanje in založništvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Established in 1995, the Muzeum Institute is a non-for-profit institution for art production, mediation, and publishing. +
Established in 1995, the Muzeum Institute is a non-for-profit institution for art production, mediation, and publishing. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +