9 Oct 2024
A live performance by Dance Theatre Ljubljana of "Underwater Concert - Povodni mož", by writer Andrej Rozman - Roza and directed by Natalija Manojlović Varga, will be included in the competitive programme of the festival. Supported by Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Belgrade.
at the Children's Theatre Festival Pozorište Zvezdarište
21 Sep 2024
The Slovenian theatrical dance performance "BLUFF", produced by Flota Institute from Murska Sobota and co-produced with the Dance Theatre Ljubljana, was selected in a call for tenders from among 220 artists from all over the world to participate. The BLUFF dance group will perform on the closing day of the festival. Supported by Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
at the Istanbul Fringe Festival
23 May 2024
"SHE - ONA", a vocal-dance solo performance by Anamaria Klajnšček, produced by Flota Institute and Emanat Institute and coproduced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana. Supported by Ministry of Culture and Municipality of Ljubljana.
at the Monotánc Fesztivál
9 Dec 2023
A dance-and-performance research project "Selected Body - Izbrano telo" by Slovenian artists Sara Janašković and Jan Rozman. Coproduced by Emanat Institute and Dance Theatre Ljubljana.
13 Oct 2023
15 Oct 2023
Doodledee it's me!, a dance-theater youth performance, and 2gether/al(l)one, a dance performance by Jerca Rožnik Novak & Johannes Randolf, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana. Promoted by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Seoul.
at the Busan International Dance Market
10 Jun 2023
Italy Trieste/Trst Sartorio Museum Garden
Plenir by Daša Grgič produced by Balkan dance project, Festival Velenje, Festival Danceproject, Dance Theatre Ljubljana
10 May 2023
13 May 2023
France Paris Théâtre de la Ville
3 Apr 2023
Italy Trieste/Trst Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, Small Hall
Plenir by Daša Grgič produced by Balkan dance project, Festival Velenje, Festival Danceproject, Dance Theatre Ljubljana
20 Jun 2021
21 Jun 2021
Three Sisters directed by Gregor Luštek, coproduced by Anton Podbevšek Theatre and Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Inter-View Multigenre and Multigenerational performance for four dancers with texts by Žigan Krajnčan and Andreja Kopač
at the Laiks Dejot Festival
25 Jan 2020
26 Jan 2020
The dance performance Fight Bright by Milan Tomášik, produced by Cortesia Cultural Association and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre,
15 Jun 2019
16 Jun 2019
The dance performance Fight Bright by Milan Tomášik, produced by Cortesia Cultural Association and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre,
11 Jun 2019
The dance performance Fight Bright by Milan Tomášik, produced by Cortesia Cultural Association and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre,
at the Zagreb Dance Week
2 Jun 2019
The performance Thinging by Jan Rozman, produced by Emanat Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, and Unfollow Me, a proto-performance by Igor Štromajer (Intima Virtual Base),
at the Performing Arts Festival Berlin
16 May 2019
20 May 2019
Bulgaria Vratsa
The dance performance Tobelia by Rosana Hribar and Nick Upper, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, and the theatre performance The Jewish Dog, produced by Mini Theatre and co-produced by Prešeren Theatre Kranj and Jewish Cultural Centre Ljubljana,
at the National Festival of Small Theater Forms
15 Nov 2018
Alien Express by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Gregor Luštek's masterclases,
at the Modaperf Festival
7 Nov 2018
The performance Thinging by Jan Rozman, produced by Emanat Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
25 Oct 2018
27 Oct 2018
The dance performance Solo 2016 by Milan Tomášik, produced by Cortesia Cultural Association and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre,
at the HYBAJ HO! Festival
28 Sep 2018
6 Oct 2018
Alien Express by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, and Hero 2.0 by Uroš Kaurin and Vito Weis, produced by Moment Arts and Culture Association and En-Knap Productions,
at the Periskop Festival
25 Sep 2018
2 Oct 2018
The performances Staging a Play: the Glass Menagerie, choreographed by Matija Ferlin and produced by Emanat Institute (with artist talk with Matija Ferlin and Maja Delak); Solo for Two Voices by Anja Golob, Magdalena Reiter and Milan Tomášik, produced by Mirabelka Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre; and performance for children Juri Muri in Africa, directed by Ivana Djilas, choreographed by Maša Kagao Knez and produced by the Dance Theatre Ljubljana, supported by the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA) (Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Vienna),
at the Pelzverkehr Festival of Dance and Performance
22 Aug 2018
23 Aug 2018
The performances Staging a Play: Antigone by Matija Ferlin, produced by Emanat Institute, and Close Ups by Magdalena Reiter, produced by Mirabelka Productions and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the Monoplay Festival of Solos
11 Aug 2018
12 Aug 2018
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the Sziget Festival
29 Jul 2018
3 Aug 2018
Brazil Alto Bela Vista, Capivari de Baixo, Florianópolis Teatro Álvaro de Carvalho, Teatro Centro de Cultura, Teatro do Parque Ambiental Centro de Cultura
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the Dance in Transit International Festival of Contemporary Dance
13 Jul 2018
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the Copenhagen International Choreography Competition
23 Jun 2018
27 Jun 2018
The performances Queen Mother, directed by Damir Zlatar Frey and produced by Koper Theatre and Ptuj City Theatre, Realists, directed by Tijana Zinajić and produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, and Tobelija, choreographed by Rosana Hribar and produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the Zlatni lav - Leone d'Oro, International Festival of Chamber Theatre
8 Jun 2018
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the Dance Week Festival
8 Jun 2018
The dance performance Solo for Two Voices by Anja Golob, Magdalena Reiter and Milan Tomášik, produced by Mirabelka Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre
26 May 2018
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the ARC For Dance Festival
14 May 2018
19 May 2018
Sweden Malmö Dansstationen
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, within the Offspring Project
9 May 2018
10 May 2018
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, at the Choreography Competition
at the 10 sentidos Festival Valencia
21 Apr 2018
The dance performance Solo for Two Voices by Anja Golob, Magdalena Reiter and Milan Tomášik, produced by Mirabelka Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre,
at the NuDanceFest
4 Apr 2018
Orlandina, choreographed by Rosana Hribar and Risima Risimkin, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the Dance Fest Skopje
20 Mar 2018
The dance-theatre performance for children Doodledee, it’s me, co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Theatre for Babies and Toddlers AEIOU,
10 Feb 2018
Alien Express, a dance performance by Žigan Krajnčan and Gašper Kunšek, produced by Flota Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana,
at the What Next Dance Festival
9 Sep 2017
16, a performance by dancers Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana
at the FIAT Festival of International Alternative Theatre
25 Aug 2017
16 Dec 2017
Eight presentations of the 16 dance performance by Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, in the framework of the China-CEEC Cultural Season 2017
27 Apr 2017
28 Apr 2017
16, a performance by dancers Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, and Presenting a Relationship through Dance, a panel speech by Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, at the International Dance Day Summit 2017
27 Mar 2017
15 Nov 2016
Doodledee, it’s me, co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and Theatre for babies and toddlers AEIOU,
29 Sep 2016
17 Jun 2016
Maša Kagao Knez’s Momentum, produced by Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Baobab Association and Studio XXV,
30 May 2016
1 Jun 2016
Nótt, produced by the Dance Theatre Ljubljana, and Falcon!, performed by Janez Janša and Iztok Kovač and produced by En-Knap Productions and Maska Institute, at the 33rd Dance Week Festival
15 Oct 2015
16 Oct 2015
Wunderbare Jahre, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, and Senzasenso by Jan Rozman at the tanzhafen Festival, , supported by the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA), Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Vienna,
23 Jun 2015
16, a dance performance by Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek (Dance Theatre Ljubljana), at Balletgala 2015
19 Jun 2015
16, a dance performance by Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek (Dance Theatre Ljubljana), at the International Festival of Contemporary Dance Tanz/Moderne/Tanz
25 May 2015
26 May 2015
Tanja Zgonc’s Tulkudream, produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, at the Chuncheon International Mime Festival
29 Apr 2015
16 Jun 2014
30 Jun 2014
Fourteen, a dance performance by Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek (Dance Theatre Ljubljana), Sad Sam Lucky, a dance performance by Matija Ferlin (Emanat Institute), a concert by Laibach, Postgravity Art: Cosmistic Architectre, a theatre informance by Dragan Živadinov, Dunja Zupančič, Miha Turšič, Dario Seraval, and Špela Petrič (Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT)), and Postgravity Art: Infomatrix, a visual informance by Dragan Živadinov, Dunja Zupančič, and Miha Turšičat (Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT)), at the IKS International Festival of Contemporary Theatre
27 Apr 2014
Awaiting Resonance, a dance performance by Kaja Lorenci and Ivan Mijačević, performed by Katja Legin and Ivan Mijačević, produced by Federacija Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, at the 15th International Festival Platforma.hr
14 Mar 2014
OFF–BEAT LIVE by Milan Tomášik, Cuore Barocco, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels)
25 Jan 2014
- Be SpectACTive!, 2018
Project summary Show more
Ljubljana Dance Theatre was initiated by the choreographer and dancer Ksenija Hribar (also one of the co-founders of the London Contemporary Dance Theatre and recipient of the Župančič Award of the City of Ljubljana) and co-founded with the choreographer and director Damir Zlatar Frey. The establishment of the theatre presented a decisive step towards the professionalisation of contemporary dance in Slovenia and the then-Yugoslavia. Under the artistic leadership of Ksenija Hribar (Damir Zlatar Frey left the theatre in 1986), PTL was an open dance-theatre group that created a number of stylistically ground-breaking and widely influential performances. Until 1996, when PTL obtained its own rehearsal and performing spaces in the Prule neighbourhood of Ljubljana, the majority of performances were presented on the stages of Cankarjev dom, the Mladinsko Theatre, Kapelica Gallery and elsewhere. During the following years, the theatre was led artistically by Ksenija Hribar, Matjaž Farič and Sinja Ožbolt.
Programme and international cooperation
During 35 years of creative activities, over 300 full-length dance-theatre productions, experimental projects, and performances for children have been staged. Several of them have won important (also international) awards. Nowadays, PTL functions as an umbrella production house to several acclaimed choreographers with very different modes of aesthetic expression, such as Tanja Zgonc, Sinja Ožbolt, Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek, Veronika Valdés, and Maša Kagao Knez. PTL collaborates with the majority of Slovene independent institutes and regularly engages in international co-productions. Its productions frequently appear at the Gibanica (Moving Cake) Festival of Slovene Dance, which it has been co-organising since its beginnings in 2003. Each year, Ljubljana Dance Theatre also produces a début by an emerging maker, offering rehearsal spaces and post-production support.
Dance Theatre Ljubljana is a partner in the Transferzala project, a combined season ticket for six independent Ljubljana theatres: besides PTL, also Mini Theatre, Španski borci Culture Centre, Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station, Vodnik Homestead and Glej Theatre.
PTL is member of the International European Theatre Meeting (IETM); Keđja, the Baltic-European Dance Network; Generator Dance Platform, with partners from Austria, Croatia, Italy and Serbia; and, since 2018, of Be SpectACTive!, a large-scale European cooperation project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the EU, which operates in performing arts through artistic productions and participatory practices aimed at involving the citizens and spectators in creative and organisational processes.
For a list of PTL's partners and co-producers see below.
Ukrep – Festival of Dance Perspectives
In 2008, PTL's team launched the biennial festival Ukrep (Taking Measures) – Festival of Dance Perspectives. Attempting to redefine the emancipatory potential of contemporary dance and performing arts practices, the festival focuses on presenting emerging (contemporary) dance makers and aims for the strategic development of contemporary dance in Slovenia, also through a number of discussions and theoretical/dramaturgy workshops organised in the festival's side programme.
See also
- Ukrep - Festival of Dance Perspectives
- Contemporary Dance Association Slovenia
- Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers
- Gibanica (Moving Cake) Festival of Slovene Dance
External links
- Dance
- Contemporary dance
- Venues
- Producers
- Dance producers
- Dance venues
- Dance groups
- Groups
- Festival organisers
- Event organisers
- EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)
- EU Creative Europe, Culture funding recipient
- Theatre & Dance
- Dance education and research
- Dance festival and event organisers
- Dance course and workshop organisers