Maska Institute


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Maska, zavod za založniško, kulturno in producentsko dejavnost
Metelkova 6/II, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 431 5348, 386 (0) 1 431 3122
Past Events
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Glej Theatre 2010 In the name of the people Photo Urska Boljkovac.jpgV Imenu Ljudstva (In the name of the people), directed by Jure Novak, producer Maska Institute, co-producer Glej Theatre, 2010.

Known for integrating innovative and socially engaged approaches to contemporary art practice since 1993, Maska Institute engages in contemporary art production, publishing, education, research, and activism. Since 2017, Maska runs The New Post Office project together with Mladinsko Theatre.

Maska productions

Maska Productions produces performances and other interdisciplinary, visual, and new media events by established and innovative artists as well as first projects of the youngest generation. The performances range from engaged interdisciplinary performances tackling issues such as identity, intimacy, (Slovene) political reality, and mass entertainment to more genre dance works. Maska regularly enters co-productions with other cultural and contemporary art organisations, its productions are often awarded and featured in the programmes of the Gibanica (Moving Cake) Festival of Slovene Dance, Borštnik Theatre Festival, and Week of Slovenian Drama.

Monument G (Spomenik G) trailer

Visual and intermedia production, among others, includes co-productions with Aksioma Institute, Cona Institute, Intima Virtual Base, the International Centre of Graphic Arts – MGLC, etc.

Maska publishing

Maska's wide-ranging publishing programme is aimed at offering critical writing on media and society as well as on reflecting the broadest area of contemporary performing arts, from theatre, contemporary dance and new ballet to performance, multimedia, and new-media/intermedia art.

Book series

The TRANSformations (TRANSformacije) book series covers contemporary performing arts theory, introducing some new terminology and conceptual frameworks by Slovene or foreign authors, such as Hans-Thies Lehmann, Amelia Jones, Mladen Dolar, Aleš Erjavec, Jonathan Burrows, Nicolas Bourriaud, Bojana Kunst, Aldo Milohnić, Andrew Hewitt, etc.

The Mediactions (Mediakcije) book series offers some critical, even subversive titles from the fields of media and society. The series has thus far brought translations of authors such as Jacques Rancière, Chantal Mouffe, Serge Halimi, Oliver Razac, Robert Phaller, Naomi Klein, Sandra B. Hrvatin and Lenart J. Kučič, etc.

For a detailed list of titles see below.

Maska, Performing Arts Journal

The institute has been publishing the performing arts journal Maska (The Mask), a successor to the modernist magazine of the same name launched in 1920, since 1993, with bilingual (English and Slovenian) editions available since 2002. For a detailed overview see Maska Journal.

Maska symposium

Maska symposium's basic project is the Seminar of Contemporary Performing Arts, a year-round programme featuring internationally acclaimed scholars and artists, aimed at enhancing analytical and critical thinking about performing arts and facilitating the understanding of historical, aesthetic, and cultural contexts to create new forms of reflection. The seminar has thus far hosted some prominent names in the fields of philosophy and theory as well as makers themselves, such as Amelia Jones, Jacques Rancière, Bojana Cvejić, Chantall Mouffe, Bojana Kunst, Tim Etchells, Rabih Mroué, Svetlana Mintcheva, etc.

The participants of the seminar take part in the ongoing platform The Audience Council, organised by Bunker Institute, Via Negativa, and City of Women since 2013, which aims to encourage reflection and stimulate an exchange of the audience's views.

See also

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Maska, zavod za založniško, kulturno in producentsko dejavnost +
Maska, zavod za založniško, kulturno in producentsko dejavnost +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6/II +
Known for integrating innovative and socially engaged approaches to contemporary art practice since 1993, Maska Institute engages in contemporary art production, publishing, education, research, and activism. +
Known for integrating innovative and socially engaged approaches to contemporary art practice since 1993, Maska Institute engages in contemporary art production, publishing, education, research, and activism. +
Maska se ukvarja s sodobno umetniško produkcijo, založništvom in izobraževanjem. Vodi projektni prostor Nova Pošta. +
+386 / 1 431 5348, 386 / 1 431 3122 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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