51 images in Literature events.
Pranger Festival, a creative afternoon for children and young people, named after Ela Peroci, a renowned Slovene writer of children literature
The Pranger Festival reception with local food and wine in Lemberg, 2015
Members of the Library Cycle, a learning programme for the elderly or retired at the University for senior citizens, Maribor Public Library, 2022.
Opening event of Fabula Festival 2023 hosted the Ukrainian writer Oksana Zabužko, author of the novel Field Research of Ukrainian Sex, that was interpreted by drama actor Mario Dragojević. The conversation with the author was led by Ksenija Horvat.
Author Bronja Žakelj speaks with Sašo Stare at Kranj City Library.
A view of the Slovene Book Fair at Cankarjev dom, featuring the stand of Mladinska knjiga Publishing House, November 2019.
A discussion with bloggers at the Slovene Book Fair, 2019.
Members of the Reading Badge of Slovenia Association meet online during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Sejem na Zraku (Fair in the Fresh Air) organised by the Slovene Writers’ Association, May 2020.
Sanje ('Dreams') Publishing House at the Slovene Book Fair in November 2019.
Book presentation Srca v igri at the 9th Deuje babe Festival, 2022.
Poster for the 23rd Lirikonfest, 2024.
Rumen Leonidov, Bulgarian author readings at the Days of Poetry and Wine Festival in Medana, 2009
Established in 1995 by the Študentska založba Publishing House, Ljubljana, Days of Poetry and Wine Festival has an established annual tradition. Poetry volumes for sale, 2008
World Poetry Day, Pritličje, 2017.
Dejan Koban at Pritličje, Svetovni dan poezije (World Poetry Day), 2017.
Gorazd Kocijančič reading his work at Days of Poetry and Wine Festival in Medana 2009
Israeli author David Grossman during World Book Capital Ljubljana 2010 in May 2010
Vili Rezman (second from the left) presenting his awarded work in Konzorcij, at Mladinska knjiga Bookstores during Fabula Festival of Stories, 2009
The reading room in Medana, a small village in the town of Brda (Collio) on the border with Italy, hosts poets from around the world invited to the Days of Poetry and Wine Festival 2009
Leja Jurišić and Mojca Kalar perform in "Sostanovalka", [title translates as Girl Roommate] conceived by Sanja Nešković Peršin, Days of Poetry and Wine Festival, 2009
A comprehensive multilingual volume of the participants' poetry and a special festival bottling of vintage wines accompanies each festival. Wine tasting, Days of Poetry and Wine Festival 2009
The festival has poetry as its basis and features multilingual readings accompanied by concerts, films, performances, exhibitions and art installations. Exhibition opening, Days of Poetry and Wine Festival 2008
Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, authors invited to the the literature symposium Exophonie – Schreiben in anderen Sprachen: Maja Haderlap, Julya Rabinowich, and Yoko Tawada, 2010
Pranger Festival, meetings, panel discussions and readings of poetry are organised during the three-day event.
Youngsters read the Pranger poets' work at the Klub Menza pri koritu, Pranger Festival 2015
A discussion on poetry critique at the Pranger Festival 2015, moderated by Laura Repovš, with Urška Zupančič, Grega Ulen and Domen Bertoncelj. Klub Menza pri koritu, Metelkova.
Barbara Juršič, a translator, reading Rivera's poems at the Museum of Baroque in Šmarje pri Jelšah, Pranger Festival 2015
Nataša Velikonja at Pritličje, World Poetry Day, 2017.
Literary event with American author Jonathan Franzen at Cankarjev dom during World Literatures - Fabula Festival, 2010
Annual Veronikini večeri [Veronika's Evenings] with awards ceremony for the best poetry collection of the previous year, Veronika Award and Golden Coin of Poetry to honour a lifetime contribution to Slovene poetry, both donated by Fit media company, 2010
Writers Svetlana Makarovič, Tone Škrjanec, Žana Pekovskaja, Brane Mozetič and Jana Putrle in Moscow, Centre for Slovenian Literature, September 2009
A poetry reading and painting exhibition, held in one of the courtyards in Maribor and organised by the House! Society, 2017
Guest author, Australian writer Richard Flanagan in Trieste, World Literatures - Fabula Festival, 2010
A Pranger Festival stall in front of the Ana's Gallery on the Rogaška Slatina promenade, 2015
The selected poet chained onto the pillory (pranger) by Urška Černe, an intiator and head of the Pranger Festival.
The literary translators' debate at the Pranger Festival, with Nada Grošelj, Barbara Pregelj, Pablo Juan Fajdiga and Barbara Juršič, the Spanish translators, at the Ana's Gallery in Rogaška Slatina. galerija
Herta Müller, 2009 Nobel Laureate is honoured guest at the opening ceremony of the festival World Literatures - Fabula Festival, Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana in 2010
Comparative essay topics, a seminar about the Secondary School Graduation Essay led by Professor Nada Barbarič at Cankarjev dom, World Literatures - Fabula Festival, 2010
Veronikini večeri [Veronika's Evenings] with awards ceremony for the best poetry collection of the previous year, Veronika Award and Golden Coin of Poetry to honour a lifetime contribution to Slovene poetry, both donated by Fit media company, 2009
Veronikini večeri [Veronika's Evenings] with awards ceremony for the best poetry collection of the previous year, Veronika Award and Golden Coin of Poetry to honour a lifetime contribution to Slovene poetry, both donated by Fit media company, 2011
Veronikini večeri [Veronika's Evenings] with awards ceremony for the best poetry collection of the previous year, Veronika Award and Golden Coin of Poetry to honour a lifetime contribution to Slovene poetry, both donated by Fit media company, 2012
The Pranger Festival setting in 2011
Pranger Festival, during round table discussions of topical issues, the confrontation of authors, translators and critics allows for new and varied perspectives on poetry
Critics discussion at Ana's Gallery in Rogaška Slatina, with Marjetka Krapež, Tanja Petrič, Lidija Gačnik Gombač and Marcello Potocco, Pranger Festival, 2015