Studio Virc


Studio Virc avdio-vizualna produkcija d.o.o.
Ilke Vaštetove 15, SI-8000 Novo mesto
Phone386 (0) 7 337 8170, 386 (0) 41 689 462
  • 18 Oct 2024


    26 Oct 2024

    France Montpellier Corum


    "Greek Apricots - Grške marelice" by Jan Krevatin has been included in the competitive programme. Short film panorama will include the animated film "Catlands - Maček med vrati" by Ana Čigon and Slovenian minority coproduction "The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent" by director Nebojša Slijepčević, coproduced by Slovenian Studio Virc. Both short films were made with financial support of the Slovenian Film Centre.

    at the Le Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen

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Studio Virc is a family company for video, TV and film production, established some 700 of their video works ago, in 1992. Their main interest used to lie in promotional films, TV commercials and training, educational and PR videos, but in recent years, the studio also started focusing on filming documentaries and feature films. A particularly successful example of the latter is the 'docudrama' Houston, We Have a Problem!. It was proclaimed the best best Slovene picture in 2016 at the Festival of Slovenian Film and the Slovene candidate for the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award.

The founders of the studio are the brothers Andrej and Boštjan Virc. While the former mostly works as the director of photography, the latter usually works as the producer and scriptwriter. The third brother and youngest of the crew is Žiga Virc, whose prime focus is directing.

Films and documentaries

Some of the more notable recent films by Studio Virc deal with mountains, and two of them – one about a female climber from pre-WWII years, another about the Slovenian Mountain Rescue Service – garnered them multiple prizes at the International Festival of Mountain Film. Two other similarly themed documentaries are Aurora Polaris (2012), a film about an Alaska climbing expedition, and Crescent Above Edelweiss (2013), which deals with a mosque built during WWI in a small alpine village called Log pod Mangartom.

Many of their works, including the documentaries Vojne igre (War Games, 2012) and Optimisti (Optimists, 2015), were co-produced with Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia).

Houston, We Have a Problem!

In 2012, Studio Virc edited a short teaser for a documentary about a supposed Yugoslavian space programme, sold to the United States in order for them to be able to land on the moon. Rather creative with facts and reality, the teaser became a viral hit on YouTube and its success enabled them to produce Houston, We Have a Problem!, a tongue-in-cheek mix of a documentary and a feature film.

Created as an international co-production with RTV Slovenia, Nukleus Film (SI), Sutor Kolonko (HR), WDR (DE) and HBO Europe, the film premiered in April 2016 at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.


Awards and international recognition

Studio Virc has also been commercially active abroad and has, for example, recorded a series of TV commercials to promote Egyptian tourism. Their work has been awarded at the World Media Festival in Hamburg and at the Cannes Corporate Festival.

Their documentary film 400 let iskanja (400 Years of Searching), directed by Haidy Kancler, was given the Audience Award at MUVI Lisboa 2015 and also gathered awards at the Solo Positivo Film Festival (HR) and the Balkan Film Food Festival (AL).

Though achieving this very early on, even before joining the company, Žiga Virc managed to get his short film Trieste is Ours! nominated for the Academy Award for Best Short Foreign Student Film.

See also

External links

... more about "Studio Virc"
Studio Virc avdio-vizualna produkcija d.o.o. +
Studio Virc avdio-vizualna produkcija d.o.o. +
SI-8000 Novo mesto +
Ilke Vaštetove 15 +
Studio Virc is a family company for video, TV and film production, established some 700 of their video works ago, in 1992. +
Studio Virc is a family company for video, TV and film production, established some 700 of their video works ago, in 1992. +
+386 / 7 337 8170, 386 / 41 689 462 +
Novo mesto +
SI-8000 +
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